Torrens Junction Site Handed Back to the Public…

A bulletin today from the TJ Project (see below and linked) declares the project finished and hands the site (and the TJ section of the Greenway) back to the public…

“We are thrilled to hand back the site of the Torrens Rail Junction Project, please refer to the attached final construction newsletter for further details. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for your support and cooperation whilst we delivered this Project. On behalf of the ConneXion Alliance, we thank you and trust you will enjoy using the new station and its facilities.

If you have any questions on the project, contact the Community and Stakeholder Engagement Team at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure on: 1300 794 880 or email

Kind regards,
Community Relations Team
ConneXion Alliance”

Read the full bulletin here.

Courtesy of the PortBUG.