“A Pedal Powered collective working to create a bike friendly city”


Sustainable transport is at the heart of Adelaide’s success as a people friendly and environmentally responsible city. Adelaide thrives on the fun and freedom that comes from cycling.


To engage the passion of the Adelaide cycling community and advocate for a direct, connected, safe and pleasant bicycle network across Greater Adelaide, connected to a superb regional cycling network. 


Participatory, open, inclusive, evidence based, fun and collaborative

Our approach

An independent, voluntary group lobbying Government to bring about improved conditions for everyday riders that:

  • Supports the biking community and makes people feel proud to bike
  • Speaks up for cyclists and encourage others to be vocal
  • Campaigns for better bike infrastructure, greater network connectivity, appropriate speed limits and positive bike culture
  • Informs and engages with decision makers in local, state and federal government
  • Activates, supports and engagse with a network of Local Bicycle User groups in Greater Adelaide and Regional SA, who take responsibility for action in their local community
  • Supports bike businesses and organisations
  • Uses the media and other avenues to develop community support for sustainable transport options
Frome Street bikeway protest

Learn more about the skills, experience and enthusiasm our team brings

From The Cyclists Protection Association to The Bicycle Institute of South Australia to Bike Adelaide – we have a proud history.


Bike Adelaide meetings are held at The Joinery, 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide starting at 6:30pm, usually on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. All members are welcome to attend. Please ring David if you are coming along on 0402416210

Bike Adelaide is an incorporated organisation.

This Bike Adelaide website runs on a Microsoft Azure platform.

Cygnet Systems is proudly supporting Bike Adelaide with professional IT solutions. Contact Cygnet for a no-obligation consultation and take the first step towards reliable IT!